Susquehanna and Upper New York Conferences
The United Methodist Church

Grants, Scholarships, Fundraising and More
First-Timers’ Grant
We are very grateful to Barry and Diana Watkins for sponsoring our FIRST-TIMERS' GRANT for Volunteers in Mission going to Haiti. Through their generosity, many first-time volunteers will receive help with their travel expense cost. When Barry and Diana could no longer travel to Haiti on a team, they decided to donate the amount one volunteer pays. There are fifteen $100 Grants available each year. Ask your team leader to request this grant for you. We cannot thank Barry and Diana enough for their involvement and this generous continuing gift.
Youth / Young Adult Grant
Each youth or young adult (ages 17 to 22) who travel with our teams as a VIM may request a $100 grant from the Haiti Partnership to reduce the cost of their trip. It is important to us that young folks participate in our mission.
For Upper New York Conference People: Upper New York Volunteer in Mission Scholarship
For team members who need financial assistance in order to afford team participation, and who will contribute skills and spiritual gifts needed by the team. Scholarships are: for international teams, the greater of $200 or 20% of the cost of the mission. Preference will be given to youth or first time Volunteers-in-Mission; preference will be a maximum of 2 scholarships/team. Team leaders may also, on application, be granted 20% of their mission cost. Go here to apply --- UNY VIM Scholarship
For Susquehanna Conference People: Dorothy Earl Mission Volunteer Scholarship
The Dorothy Earl Scholarship is through a specific church and is not a guaranteed scholarship. CLICK HERE for an application. Maximum grant for international missions is $250.
Other fundraising ideas:
Check with your church for grants or scholarships for Volunteers in Mission.
Many churches will take up a special offering and also support you with a time of prayer and commissioning in a worship service.
Your workplace may support you financially.
Plan a bake sale, soup sale, or other fundraiser.
Ask your pastor to see if the church youth will support your mission travel.
Approach the United Methodist Women of your church for a gift toward your mission.
Use holidays. Instead of asking for birthday or Christmas gifts, ask family and friends to help you go on a mission trip.
Write support letters or use social media. Send letters to friends, your parents’ friends, colleagues, neighbors, etc. and use social media to get the word out. You may be surprised to find out how many people are willing to help.